New generation filtration NFX

The quality of the water in your pool is an essential element for your comfort, both for the pleasure of your eyes and for your safety.
The new generation nfx filtration will meet your most extreme requirements for your family. Our exclusive system combines performance, economy, simplicity and aesthetics. MAGILINE is equipped with a filtration fineness of 15 microns which limits the use of chemical products.
Performance: The flow multiplier allows a fast, efficient and optimized water flow, avoiding the formation of deposits in your pool. Your water is clearer, cleaner and healthier. Less chemistry, more pleasure.
Aesthetics: The new patented nfx system fits perfectly around your pool. An integrated technical room for nfx30 and nfx40 depending on the size of your pool.
Economy: Thanks to its efficient filtration, you reduce electrical costs and operating time.
Our concept avoids the construction of a technical room. Everything is already included… including your booster, as well as your robot/brush connection.
Simplicity: Maintenance is done by simply washing the filter cartridge. Quick and easy filter cleaning.